Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Mustang Pickup

Kirstin was anticipating picking up her yearling this weekend, but due to some problems that the BLM was having getting the necessary paper work completed, the pick up date has been moved to next weekend. She will be picking up her mustang on June 19. She is extremely eager to get started and this delay really is getting to her.
Kirstin was also hired as an American Mustang Representative II through the Mustang Heritage Foundation. One of the requirements is running a social media page such as a blog. She has started a separate one for this. Please visit I will keep this one running and she will run the other one. Her second one will not only contain updates on her new mustang but Kirstin will incorporate the requirements for her new job which is bringing awareness to the Mustang and its' plight. She is learning a lot about the history of the mustang and will share that as well.

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